Tuesday, June 15, 2010

The Worst Answer to the 5 Years Interview Question

The worst answer you can give to the "Where do you see yourself in 5 years" question (or any time iteration of this same question) is often the truthful one.

Other examples of this same question, phrased differently:

-- What are you goals, short and long term?
-- What do you want to be doing in 10 years?
-- Tell me about your dreams, your plans for yourself.

Etc., yada yada yada, so forth and so on.

There are 3 typical answers to this question, given the current economy.  Which one do you think is the right answer, most likely to land you the job?

1. The Commitment-Phobe Answer
Symptoms: Rents an apartment, preferably with a month-to-month lease. No sign of a steady significant other.  Loves dogs, but probably has a cat because it's less commitment and hassle to care for it. Smart & versatile.
Response:  Wow.  5 years is a long way away.  I can't say 100% what I'll be doing then, because who really knows where life will take you, but if I had to venture a guess, I'd say I'd be moving up in the company I'm at and possibly starting a small side business.

(I, for a large part of my early 20's, really did feel this way. I wasn't ready to commit to the job or the place.)

2.  The Truthful Dreamer Answer
Symptoms: They have realized they can't get a job in their field of choice or city of choice at the moment and are interviewing other places, but just haven't let it go yet.
Response:  I'd love to see myself as a director in a totally different field living in a completely different city from where your company is located.

(I've been here too)

3.  The I Really Want this Job Answer
Symptoms: This guy is a hard read.  Sometimes they really do want that job.  And sometimes it is the perfect match for them, which is why they are so natural and happy in the interview.  But sometimes, it's a person who knows how to interview well.
Response: In 5 years, I'd love to see myself here, growing at this company.  I'd love to take on more responsibility and grow the business.

OK, if you haven't figured it out, you want to use number 3. That's going to get you further in the interviewing process than anything else.  It's not that companies don't care what your long term goals and dreams are for yourself.  They probably want to know as a biotechnology company that your dream is to own a landscaping company because it means you aren't passionate about their product.

The real goal with that question is to see if you are smart enough to play the game.  And yes, when I'm asking you that question, I'm aware I'm not getting the truth all of the time, but I like that you are smart enough to tell me what I want to hear.  Getting ahead often requires you to be able to play the game with a kick-ass game face, so show me you can do it.

When I used to do phone screens for interviews, I always asked them where they wanted to be in 5 years just to see if they would be honest with me or if they could figure out what I wanted to hear. I've been appalled listening to the introduction of  interns to higher ups in companies.  The interns blather about wanting to move to another state and pursue a small business of their own.  Really? Than why intern there?

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